Tuesday, December 13, 2011

judge and jury

you have people that likes to toot there nose at what a person has done in life as far as mistakes but we seem to forget what mistakes we have done in life take for instance when a person is a alcoholic or a drug addict. how would you handle it if you were in that situation. me myself i would try to convence them to get help if i can or find out if they got any family or anyone else they might want to talk to. now you got some people. figure if you did something wrong they are suppose to judge you but it's not your call it is god's call but you can't tell some people. that than you have the one's that act like they ain't never did nothing wrong that's the trip part. they was put here on this earth has a perfect person there is no such thing. everybody in the world has done something they are not proud of even if it was a minor situation. as the bible say we all where born in sin. so my message is don't be so harsh on a person before you know the whole story. and when you find out the whole story see if you might can give a little encouragement. that goes along way sometimes when people no you care that makes them feel very good. so always try to help someone if you can. but always do it from your heart. not to see if you are going to get something in return. but you will get something a wonderful blessing from god that's the most wonderful gift to have.